Profile picture of Mark Hesketh Mark Hesketh

Introducing: Write Good, an Obsidian plugin

Last week, I built 'Write Good', an Obsidian plugin to help improve writing style, built on top of a package of the same name, Write Good by Brian Ford.

This week, it got approved by the Obsidian team and is now listed as a community plugin. You can also install it from within Obsidian itself.

Write Good Installer from the Obsidian plugin directory

It highlights issues and suggests improvements as you type, such as:

  • Passive voice
  • Complex phrases
  • weasel' words
  • etc

I built it for myself as while a VS Code extension already exists, I use Obsidian for my note-taking and wanted to port these features across.

Write Good Obsidian plugin in action

From a technical standpoint, I built it using TypeScript while leaning heavily on GitHub Copilot's new agent mode to figure out the gritty details of piecing together an Obsidian plugin.

You can install it today by searching for 'Write Good' within Obsidian's community plugins or via Obsidian's plugin website. Its also open source, of course.
